Frontend adventures - Level 1

··112 words·1 min· · By   Charles-Edouard Brétéché
Frontend Dev

The first version of the homepage is up 🎉!

Current tools

  • mkdocs
  • mkdocs-material theme
  • took a lot of inspiration from the blowfish Hugo theme

Mixed feeling

While this worked reasonably well for the homepage, my feeling is that it required a lot of custom code and I spent way too much time writing HTML and CSS. This is probably not what we want to do when adding content, but instead, work with Markdown as much as possible.

At this point, I wonder if Hugo would have been a better choice, mkdocs is heavily focused on documentation websites, which is not the purpose of what we are trying to build 🤔

Made with ❤️ by and for policy lovers

Powered by Hugo & Inspired by Blowfish